High-quality zirconia materials that provide fracture-resistance, high flexural strength, and anterior esthetics.
Nowak Digital Division is your resource for a wide variety of milling materials.
Our team loves getting to meet and talk with current and potential clients at tradeshows and events and showcase some of our exciting products.
Nowak Dental Digital Division offers educational opportunities for our valued clients that cover the whys and hows of incorporating digital dentistry into their laboratories.
Nowak Dental Digital Division provides information webinars to educate our valued clients on the whys and hows of integrating digital dentistry into their labs.
Having issues with your equipment? The Nowak Dental Digital Division team is here to help!
Geneva Capital makes it easier to order equipment from Nowak and qualify for tax deductions under Section 179.
Nowak Digital Division carries coloring liquids from Aidite
To replicate natural dentition with the highest esthetics Aidite introduces Biomic Stain/Glaze specially developed for CAD/CAM all-ceramic restorations. The product is designed to allow dental technicians to use a fast, simple method to finish their work, achieving a restoration that replicates natural teeth.
This new set of Biomic Stain/Glaze is designed to match the aesthetics of natural teeth with 2D paste colors. 3D paste effects are added as well. The color mixture of 2D and 3D paste can maximize the aesthetic effects.