Milling Machines

Amann Girrbach Ceramill Motion 3

Ceramill Motion 3 – Convenience and excellence combined

The most intelligent 5-axis hybrid machine not only combines wet and dry processing in a single machine, but also enables an end-to-end digital workflow.

Focus on the essential value-creating activities. Guided workflows, from cleaning to maintenance, tool and holder management safeguarded against mix-ups, and semi-autonomous operation give you the freedom to devote yourself entirely to your profession instead of machine handling. With the integrated camera, our Support will assist you in remote mode to let you continue working as quickly as possible after interruptions due to irregularities in the milling process. The automatic reminder function for maintenance, care and service cycles in addition provides for reliability and guarantees a long service life of the machine.

Owing to innovative sculpturing technology (C-Clamp), even the finest fissures can be milled in the anterior tooth surface in excellent quality. The innovative machining strategies for rotational milling, such as the Carving Mode, Detailing or Speedlining Mode, round off the versatility of the system.

Self-service functions, guided CAD/CAM production and maintenance, an intuitive HMI, an integrated camera, digital tool and holder management, as well as auto-calibration further facilitate  everyday laboratory work.

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