Milling Machines

Implant Studio
Implant procedures can be complex. Digital technology can uncomplicate your implant workflow with consistent clinical insight and predictability, based on prosthetic driven implant planning. 3Shape Implant Studio® gives you the tools to deliver the complete or temporary prosthetic solution to the patient at the day of surgery. Depending on whether you want to do planning only, or design surgical guides or provisionals in-house, you can choose Implant Planner or the full Implant Studio package. Expand your offering and make your patients happier.
- From single or multiple implants to full edentulous cases, you can plan any implant treatment and design any surgical guide, tooth-, mucousa- or bone-supported.
- Allows for prosthetic driven implant planning. This does not only enable a more efficient and outcome-based workflow for you, but also delivers better results for your patients.
- Produce cost efficient surgical guides and 3D printed screw-retained crowns, AI powered, in-house or in collaboration with your preferred lab for same-day implant dentistry.
- With our open integrations, you are never limited to a certain workflow or manufacturer. It also means you have the flexibility to change workflows in the future.